We hope you’re doing okay and enjoying the last few weeks of term. Remember in this lead up to exams and exam period to look after yourself! Take walks, eat well, drink lots of water, prioritise getting enough sleep and make everything centre around the Lord. He is your strength and will be with you through everything- the highs and lows! You’re welcome to any of our events, our Holy Hours, Mass, to keep that relationship with Jesus at the centre! It’s never too late in the year to come join us. We’ll be praying for you! 🙏🙏🙏

About Us:

Our University Catholic Society is a student society that seeks to provide a ‘home from home’ whilst at university. We’re supported by the wider community at SVMH and get involved in their events too. We run lots of social events and a weekly community evening that we'd love to welcome you to.

Our main weekly event is on a Tuesday evening where we get together, pray, share food and learn about the Catholic faith. We often conclude by going to the pub. It's a great way to meet other students. 

We also get together for Sunday Mass. 

Welcome to new students poster; girls chatting; picture of the building

New students always welcome!

It’s never too late in the year to join us! Student nights run on Tuesday evenings from 6pm in term time. Please do come along to Mass and say hi! Check out our events page for the latest on what’s happening at SVMH!